The Power Fantasy #5

Image Comics

Written by Kieron Gillen

Art by Caspar Wijngaard

Colors by Caspar Wijngaard

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: As things continue to get tense among the powerful, Magus makes a play for more.

Magus has a problem. He knows too much about too many things and has too much power. Something that will prompt him to make a new plan in the wake of Tokyo. At the same time, Heavy decides to spend some time with Tonya while they discuss Etienne and what happened with Masumi.

As Magus lays out his plans in the past, he continues to see the complications within it. Complications that will lead to tragedy and a new plan that will bring him to the seat of power on the United States. A seat he will decide to take for his own.

The Story: A consistently engaging and compelling story from Gillen. I am fascinated by the world being created in this series and how complicated and unique it continues to be. All of these characters are deeply flawed, but many of them are right about so many things. I love how broad and interesting every element of this story continues to be.

The Art: Wijngaard delivers beautiful art throughout the issue and every page connects with the reader emotionally. Truly fascinating, detailed art.

The Power Fantasy #5



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